Saturday, 7 February 2015


                                                            CHAPTER I
1.1.      Background and Reason of Choosing TheTitle
In Indonesia English is considered as a foreign language, because not so many people use it either as a daily communication or as a medium of learning. Considering this phenomenon, the government has decided to include English as the compulsory subject in every school even in the kindergarten. This means that English as an international language needs to be learned since in early age.
In order to learn English, there are four important skills that should be mastered by the students. According to Christison and Muray (2014:144) “For the purpose of language has traditionally been divided into four separated skills areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.” From that statement we can see speaking and writing are categorized as productive skills, while reading and listening are as receptive skills. Each of these skills has different way in mastering and expressing.
Speaking considered as a very crucial skill because it is one of the basic keys ofcommunication. By mastering speaking skills, we can carry out communication, expressideas, purpose, and persuade to other people. Guffey (2008:6) states “Many organizations pay thousands of dollars to communication coaches and trainers to teach employees the very skills that you are learning in this course.” It shows that everyone needs this skills, whatever theirprofession, e.g., an architect, an engineer, a business man, manager, lawyer, musician,scientists, teachers, etc., theyneed speaking skills in order to take an active part in communication process and also todevelop their knowledge.
The success of teaching speaking is determined by many factors such as the teacher,the material, and the strategy applied by the teacher.Drama is an alternativestrategy to improve students’ competence in speaking. Why does the writer usedrama? Grugeon et al (2005:122) say “It can be an exciting adventure for the whole class and adds a creative, lively element to many aspects of the curriculum.” In addition, by applying drama, the students can learn and express themselves both through language spoken and language expression.
Because of the reason above the writer decides to choose “Teaching English Speaking ThroughDrama” as title of this paper.

1.2.      Statement of The Problems
Based on the background, the problem can be formulated as follows:
1.      What are the problems faced by the writer when teaching English speaking through drama?
2.      How can teaching English through drama improve students’ speaking ability?
3.      How does teaching English speaking through drama enhance the students’ speaking performance?

1.3.      Scope of The Problem
The limitation of this paper focuses only in Teaching English Speaking throughDrama with the topic giving and asking directionat Dynamic Conversation 2 class of BBC English Training Specialist Pondok Gede Bekasi which consists of 8 persons in academic year 2012/2013 before and after taught with drama.

1.4.      Method and Procedures of The Analysis
This paper uses descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive qualitative is method that using statement to show and interpret the object to the fact to show the situation with systematic, fact, and characteristic of object or subject with the right way. Descriptive qualitative method needs an observation, takes a note, and takes some documentation. The technique of collecting the necessary data and ground theory are through field and library research.
In the procedures of the analysis,the writer is through some steps. The first step is the writer collects some data from the some books that have been taken. The second step is the writer prepares lesson plan, and some equipment of teaching that the writer will use in the process of teaching. The thirdstep is the writer teaches in the class, and the last step is the writer collects data or information that will be analyzed during observation process.

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